All The XR At CES 2023

Charlie Fink
9 min readJan 14, 2023


By “All the XR” at CES we mean “all the XR we personally saw,” which was a lot, but even walking 23 miles in four days, it’s impossible to see everything. I didn’t even make it to Eureka Park, where many XR companies were located. The scale of this show and the massive size of the Las Vegas hotels on the famous strip boggles the mind as it batters the feet. I simply didn’t have the time or the space to see and/or write about everything.

One of the first things I noticed were the giant signs promoting TLC Smart glasses and the Sony Playstation 2 VR (PSVR) at the Las Vegas convention center. A Sony VR billboard makes sense. But TCL? I thought they made low cost TVs. We were not the only ones surprised by this. It is a part of a big story that I discovered by writing this roundup.

The next big thing for XR is not VR, or AR as we generally think of spatial computing today. It is using XR optics technology to create a screen extender for smartphones. This is something we call Assisted Reality, because it’s not augmenting anything. It’s a reflector of your smartphone or other device. Yup. XR is a smartphone accessory. I’ve never thought of it that way but when you walk through the show with me you’ll see that’s where the puck is headed in 2023. Give the people what they want. Take what they’re already doing (playing games, consuming media) and make it better. Say hello to the second screen.

112,000 people attended the show this year, which was a big number considering recent Covid spikes and an economic downturn affecting tech in particular. This is a hardware show, and there were dozens of XR headsets to demo. After four days, it starts to blend together, especially since most devices are running test loops, so you don’t exactly have an experience to remember the demos by.

VITURE’sKickstarter raised $3.2 M for these Assisted Reality smartglasses targeting gamers.

Also keep in mind, as big as CES is, a lot of the big players in XR including Meta, Apple, Microsoft and Google have their own conferences. Microsoft was showing the Surface Pro, not the HoloLens. Bytedance’s Pico VR was MIA, even though they were reportedly going to make a consumer push in the US this year. The absence of these industry leaders makes the amount of XR on the floor that much more remarkable.

Several XR specific trends emerged from the show, the first fully in-person CES since 2020’s record breaking crowd of 175,000. In the past three years, there has been a lot of progress in haptics, assisted reality, and wearable health tech. Waveguides and microscopic projectors are giving new capabilities to see-though smart glasses and are about to take things to the next level, or more precisely, another direction altogether.

Close up of the tiny waveguide projector and battery that makes Vuzix “second screen” smartphone

Traditional applications for Assisted Reality smart glasses are for enterprises, providing instructions for warehouse and maintenance workers, enabling low skilled workers to be trained on the job and even communicate with remote experts. Not anymore. Miniaturization and low cost waveguides are now bringing this technology to consumers in a lightweight form. This application of the technology reflects smartphone, game console and PC screen on the glasses, which can simulate a 200 inch monitor for gaming and media consumption. XR for consumers is catching on fast, but as a smartphone accessory, not spatial computing device.

HTC Vive XR Elite

HTC introduced its new stand-alone VR HMD, the HTC Vive XR Elite. The device, which will use software from Viveport, is an extraordinarily light 625 grams, super soft and comfortable. I wanted to wear it to bed. The most exciting aspect is the high resolution pass through cameras, which more seamlessly connect the physical and digital than ever before. The Vive XR Elite is $1,100, and can be pre-ordered from HTC for delivery in late February. Road to VR’s Ben Lang and Cnet editor Scott Stein raved about it. There were a number of other announcements at the annual HTC presser, including a more detailed look at the development of Viverse.

With author and Lamina 1 blockchain co-founder Neal Stephenson. We are not related, but we do have the same barber.

We interviewed HTC China President Alvin Graylin, and Neal Stephenson about Viverse, which has partnered with Stephenson’s new venture, Lamina1, a blockchain infrastructure technology for our This Week in XR podcast.

Sony demo of the PSVR2 at CES.

It was impossible even for the press to get an appointment to try the upcoming Sony PSVR2. The company says the Playstation 5 shortage is over which is required to run PSVR2.

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) demoing the Magic Leap2 at CES 2023.

Magic Leap’s booth was mobbed as well. They used a reservation system and avoided the line, but still attracted a non-stop crowd, including Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), himself a technology startup founder. Magic Leap got some important news on the eve of the show as the Magic Leap2 was approved for clinical use by the FDA.

Using the Magic Leap 2 headset, I see digital instructions anchored directly to the physical … [+]

Magic Leap is all business now. Their booth demos featured enterprise applications from partners like Cisco Webex, which used the Magic Leap to demonstrate its Holographic conferencing app, which we had previously demoed with HoloLens. Taqtile demoed a system that showed how to inspect an aircraft. Enterprises are looking for technology that can offer front line workers on-the-job training, which is especially important in operations with a high turn-over of low-skilled workers. Geopogo Creative director Mike Hoppe showed me a virtual office on the Magic Leap, but said the real app enables architects, contractors, and clients to walk through the virtual building before it’s been built on site.

Checking out Ant AR’s mixed waveguide.

Ant-Reality’s newest 120 degree FOV AR optics for see-through smart glasses was one of the best things XR I saw at the show. Ant calls its optical solution a “Mixed Waveguide.” Three lens and projector sets were presented in their CES booth: 56 degree Type-A for AR Gaming, an 80 degree Type-B for daily life, and 120 degree Type-C for AR & VR hybrid use. The Type-C provides an AR FoV from 56 degrees up to 120 degrees with slim 6mm to 10.5mm lenses. Even the 56 degree lens seems extraordinarily bright and wide. Ant says their new technology also produces the lenses for around $30 each, a very accessible price for equipment manufacturers. There were over fifty people in line to demo the glasses and try on the reference design Ant created for their Crossfire Type-C lenses.

LetinAR at CES 2023

There was an abundance of Waveguide optics companies in addition to Ant-Reality, including Lumus, Digilens, and LetinAR. Each of these companies has remarkable new optics and projector hardware to make low cost see-through AR displays possible.

The Israeli-based augmented reality (AR) company Lumus introduced the 2nd generation of its 2D waveguide architecture at the show, unveiling Z-Lens.

Nreal’s new Air smart glasses use AR make any screen into a 200" monitor.

Chinese AR glasses company Nreal’s new spatial computing glasses, the Nreal Light, was the hottest thing in XR at the 2020 show. Last year the company introduced a new device, the Nreal Air. These Assisted Reality smartglasses look and weigh the same as regular glasses, but reflect your PC or smartphone as a 200” screen. The Nreal Air ($379 on Amazon) is used primarily as a second screen for consuming media and playing games, or any smartphone content.

With founder and CEO of Nreal, Chi Xu, at CES 2023.

Nreal CEO Chi Xu was at CES this year for meetings, but his company was not exhibiting. We met for breakfast, and he told me the Air is outselling the Light, and will be a focus for his company going forward. It may be that see-through spatial computing glasses like Magic Leap and Nreal Light are too much technology and too much money for consumers for too few applications. Media consumption, on the other hand, has been improved dramatically, with low cost and low friction. Assisted Reality devices like the Air take what people are already doing and make it much better.

TCL Introduced the $399 the NXTWEAR S “wearable display glasses.”

TCL introduces line of AR Glasses TCL Introduced the $399 the NXTWEAR S “wearable display glasses.” The consumer XR glasses present the user with an equivalent 130-inch, high-definition screen that appears four meters away from the wearer via dual 1080p Micro OLED displays. Like the Nreal Air, and the Vuzix Ultralite design, this is a lightweight, head-mounted virtual display for your smartphone, tablet, PC or portable gaming console. The TCL NXTWEAR S will be available at the end of Q1.

Wearing the NXTWEAR S “wearable display glasses” from TCL.

TCL also presented a second, much more powerful device, TCL RayNeo X2, which it will make available to select developers shortly. TCL RayNeo X2 AR smart glasses use binocular full-color Micro-LED optical waveguide displays powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 chip set. The device’s external cameras make it SLAM capable, and can be operated by gesture recognition. The cameras are also very good for taking pictures in low light. The company video features wayfinding and real time translation. No pricing or delivery date on this one. There is a third one, too, that looks more like a traditional VR HMD.

Vuzix new Ultralite reference design is the company’s first time creating a low cost solution for … [+]

Vuzix introduced an ultralight weight (32 grams) reference design for wearable display glasses as well. Miniaturization has finally allowed components to fit in normal glasses. Vuzix projectors are tiny, require little power, and can run two days on a single charge. The company is shipping the prototype to manufacturers who will build the glasses, which would be the first time the company licenses its technology to third parties.

I also got my first look at the 2022 CES innovation award winner Vuzix Shield, which was introduced and the end of 2021. These glasses are an iteration on the Blade that uses binocular displays to create a much brighter and crisper image. This is far beyond what a consumer company like TCL could deliver in terms of brightness, but quality comes at a price (~$2,500).

Enterprise assisted reality HMDs feature more sensors, better cameras, thermal sensors, lights and, in the case of the new Realwear 520. incredibly sensitive audio for voice control, even in the loudest, most challenging conditions. Unlike their consumer cousins, these don’t rely on smartphones, but are all-in-one, or standalone.

Dean Takahashi of Venture Beat tries Bhaptics vest and data gloves at CES 2023.

A number of new haptics companies have finally joined stalwart HaptX, which makes $80,000 gloves for enterprises with full hand sensitivity (you can feel raindrops) for operating robots and other industrial applications. Force feedback, like holding a cup or a gun, requires not just programming but strong actuators and cables. Psychologists have proven that every bit of additional reinforcement further fools the brain if it is synched up in simulation. Bhaptics offers a haptic vest which can deliver more of a punch, and OWO offers a low-cost, lightweight shirt that uses electrical pulses to stimulate feeling on the skin. OWO’s pricing is quite reasonable. Diver-X showed lightweight data gloves.\

Breyleon showed off the magic of circular screens, turning them into a headset that wears you. There is more than one way to achieve full immersion. Imagine the windows of a self driving car simulating a headset, now think about it as a monitor.

Last, but surely not least, is a company we first met in 2020, Dimenco, which makes interactive screens that simulate 3D without glasses by mounting sensors facing the viewer of the device or TV screen. Three years ago there was only one model, and it was over $25,000. Today, they have partners partners like Asus, Acer, Phillips, and ZSpace making laptops and flat screen TVs. After OLED and QLED, 3D TV without glasses, what Dimenco calls “Built on SR” technology, could be a thing. A big thing. The kind of thing you see coming at CES.

This story was originally published on



Charlie Fink

Consultant, Columnist, Author, Adjunct, Covering AI, XR, Metaverse for Forbes